Ringwood Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 8JH


Bransgore Church Of England Primary School

Growing in the forest

Creating a Loving, Safe, and Challenging Learning Environment

At Bransgore Church of England Primary School, we are guided by a profound belief that children thrive when they are enveloped in an environment that nurtures their sense of safety, challenges their potential, and fills their hearts with love. This ethos is rooted in our commitment to being a "Loving School" and aligns seamlessly with the Church of England's vision for education:

  1. Educating for Wisdom, Knowledge, and Skills: We recognise that education should be a journey of acquiring not only knowledge but also the wisdom to apply it. Our curriculum is designed to instil a thirst for learning and equip our students with the skills they need to navigate an ever-changing world.
  2. Educating for Hope and Aspiration: We believe in nurturing dreams and aspirations. Our curriculum inspires hope, encourages ambition, and empowers every child to envision a bright future.
  3. Educating for Community and Living Well Together: At Bransgore, we emphasise the importance of community and harmonious living. Our curriculum fosters a sense of belonging, empathy, and cooperation, preparing our students to contribute positively to the world around them.
  4. Educating for Dignity and Respect: We champion dignity and respect for all individuals. Our curriculum teaches our students to value diversity, embrace differences, and treat others with kindness and empathy.

Our curriculum development is deeply informed by research and evidence-based practices. We draw insights from sources such as the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction, and the Growth Mindset research of Carole Dweck, among others. These influences shape our teaching methods and approaches, making our curriculum a dynamic and effective tool for nurturing young minds.

We also celebrate the power of vulnerability, inspired by the work of Brene Brown, and the importance of being champions for our students, inspired by Rita Pearson. These insights inform our commitment to creating an emotionally supportive and inclusive learning environment.

"Growing in the Forest"

Our vision, "Growing in the Forest," encapsulates several dimensions of growth that we aspire to nurture in our students:

  1. Physical Growth: We encourage physical well-being, promoting healthy lifestyles and the development of fine and gross motor skills.
  2. Growing in Wisdom and Knowledge: Our curriculum is designed to cultivate intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep thirst for knowledge.
  3. Spiritual Growth: We provide opportunities for spiritual exploration and reflection, respecting the diverse beliefs and backgrounds of our students.
  4. Growing Community: We foster a sense of belonging and community spirit, nurturing relationships and social skills.

Our curriculum is a blend of national standards and our unique "Loving School" ethos, which places the child at the centre of the learning experience. We believe that every child is a unique creation of a loving God, and our approach reflects this by celebrating diversity and individuality.

To support our students, we employ Emotional Literacy support assistants and subscribe to the "Thrive" approach to resilience and behaviour management, ensuring that emotional well-being is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy.

Reporting your child's progress:

Our termly reports detail the progress your child is currently making towards the national standard for their age in reading, writing and mathematics. We also include an attendance, effort and behaviour grade enabling you to form a more rounded picture of your child’s development. The guidance for this can be found here.